The Trusted Tax & Accounting Advisor For Your Business
Did You Know That Poor Bookkeeping Is Costing You Thousands In Tax Savings?

And You Need A Tax Accountant Who Will Make Sure That Gets Done
Clay Welch, MST, EA
Business Tax & 
Accounting Advisor
From The Desk Of 
Clay Welch, MST, EA
Folsom, California

Dear Business Owner,

With enough challenges, everyday, to your growing empire, why leave your bookkeeping up to chance?

I'm sure you've looked at the options, but this is not one I would recommend overlooking.

We talk to business owners everyday who miss this essential part of running a successful enterprise.  

Everything we do in the tax world depends on your business having a great set of books!

Do you know what your bottom line is?

Do you know how to read your financial statements?

Are your books kept up to date every week? Every month? Once per year doesn't cut it, since you'll never know the health of your business until it's too late to make changes.

7 Things That Bookkeeping Causes To Go Wrong With Your Business:
  • We can't do Tax Planning to save you tens of thousands of dollars every year!
  • You don't know whether you're making money on a weekly basis
  • ​You're never ready for loan application... ever tried to refinance a loan with old numbers? It doesn't work!
  • ​We can't proactively help your business!
  • ​You don't know whether you can afford that expansion you've been thinking about, or that new hire that just came your way!
  • ​Your tax filings are always delayed and extended while we wait for your numbers!
  • ​And much, much more!
Now Is The Time To Take Control 
Of Your Finances And Your Future!
And What You Can Do To Take Advantage Of Them Today!
I can't stress how critical this is to your business, and how it needs to be addressed today.

Jump on our schedule today, and we'll do a discovery call to see how we can help you get things fixed!

Talk soon,
Clay Welch, MST, EA
The Trusted Tax & Accounting 
Advisor For Your Dental Practice
Hey Dentists!
Did You Know That Taxes Are Your 
Single Biggest Expense As Dental 
Practice Owner?
And Your Current CPA Or Accountant Could Be Costing You THOUSANDS Every Single Year & Putting Your Business At AUDIT Risk...
Carla Brown, EA
Dental Tax & Accounting Advisor
From The Desk Of 
Carla Brown, EA
Portageville, Missouri

Dear Dental Practice Owner,

Would you agree with me if I said that business has become increasingly tough for independent dental practices like yours over the past few years?

I'm sure you've felt the pressure...

On top of competition from corporate dental chains, you have to deal with massive student loan debt that takes decades to pay off and ever-increasing confusion and complexities on how to bill third-party payers and how to appeal denied claims.

As someone who's spent the past 4 years working with hundreds of dental practices across the US, I understand the unique challenges you face while running your business.

And here's the thing...

No matter where you're at in your career, the biggest challenge you face to having financial success and generating lasting wealth from your business is actually TAXES.

That’s because as a self-employed dentist or dental practice owner, federal and state income taxes are the single biggest expense you have.

And the worst part is that over 90% of the dentists I talk to are overpaying Uncle Sam and their state and local governments.

The truth is, while things like increasing case acceptance, creating a budget, and saving for retirement are key to your financial health...

What's the point if you don't manage your tax liabilities, your single biggest expense?

When done right, tax planning and reduction is the 20% of work that creates 80% of the results.

The problem that I run into all the time is that most dentists don't have any idea that they can legally and ethically SLASH their income taxes by as much as 50%.

That's why I decided to write my latest book...
The 7 Biggest Legal Tax Loopholes For Dentists In The New Tax Law
And What You Can Do To Take Advantage Of Them Today...
Download Your Free Copy Of 
My Book To See If You're Overpaying Uncle Sam By 
5 Or 6 Figures Annually
Here's what you'll 
discover inside:
  • How to turn your family vacations into tax-deductible business expenses.
  • How to shift taxable business income to tax-free personal income by renting your home to your business for company meetings.
  • ​How to make all of your out-of-pocket medical, dental, and vision expenses tax deductible by hiring your spouse to work in your business.
  • ​How you can pay each of your children up to $12,000 per year tax-free under the new income tax law.
  • ​How to save 5 figures in Social Security and Medicare taxes every year by optimizing your business entity structure.
  • ​And much, much more!
Now Is The Time To Take Control Of Your Finances And Your Future!
Download Your Free Copy 
Of My Book Today...
The 7 Biggest Legal Tax Loopholes For Dentists In The New Tax Law
And What You Can Do To Take Advantage Of Them Today...
I want to make sure you download your free copy of this book because it will show you 7 legal and ethical tax loopholes that could save you and your dental practice tens of thousands of dollars in taxes every single year...

So just click on the blue button above, enter your name and email address, and you'll get the pdf copy of the book in your inbox within minutes. :)

Talk soon,
Carla Brown, EA
C&A Welch Inc
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